Welcome to of General Insurance Group (Grupo Seguros Generales), one of the largest insurance comparison groups online on the internet. We have a large number of branches of insurance and insurance companies, with the aim of offering the best service and the best price.

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Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

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General Insurance Group Spain

917 567 108




PLUS ULTRA Insurance at

The owner of the domain offers this service as an external collaborator of Proyectos y Seguros, S.A. Brokerage Insurance with key J0067, pursuant to what is established in art. 8 of Law 26/2006 of July 17, on insurance and reinsurance mediation. If you want to hire any service offered by PLUS ULTRA Insurance you can call our customer service for a no-obligacion personalized quote with the PLUS ULTRA Insurance company and with almost any other insurance company that you decide. Call now at 91 756 71 08 and request a free, personalized study in English.
Request a specialized salesperson call

If you would like to be contacted by a specialized dealer of PLUS ULTRA insurance, click on the following link and insert your name, telephone number, select the PLUS ULTRA insurance in which you are interested and in a few moments a specialized salesperson will contact you to inform you free of charge of the selected service.

PLUS ULTRA Insurance Information

It is part of the Catalana Occidente group, the world leader in loans and insurance, with more than 6,500 employees operating in more than 50 countries, with a track record of more than 125 years which gives it the backing and prestige to be placed in the 2nd position World leaders in credit insurance.

Formed with more than 50,000 insurance agents trained to provide an efficient service to its portfolio of clients formed by more than 1,748,654 satisfied customers.

It has a varied range of insurance

Products that work PLUS ULTRA Insurance

Auto, Motorcycle, Home, Yacht, Health, Accident, Life, Death, Hunter, Saving, Investment, Retirement

Autos Fleets, Company Vehicles, Farmers and Ranchers Vehicles, Liability, Damage, Transportation, Technical Branches Agricultural Insurance, Health Collective, Life, Collective, Collective Casualties Collective Retirement

Trade, Office, SME, Independent Liability, Farmers and Ranchers Insurance, Autonomous Health, Self-Employment, Self-Employment Accidents, Retirement Self Employed

PLUS ULTRA Insurane Contact Details

Plaza de las Cortes, 8
Madrid 28014
Telephone: 902 15 10 15
Fax: 918 060 150

*Information and products obtained from the PLUS ULTRA website and Wikipedia in 2017

See opinions and opinion about PLUS ULTRA Insurance
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PLUS ULTRA Insurance valuation

(PLUS ULTRA Insurance Rating is 6.8 out of 10 based on 177 Votes)

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PLUS ULTRA offers insurance in all Spanish provinces.

Álava - Albacete - Alicante - Almería - Asturias - Ávila - Badajoz - Baleares - Barcelona - Burgos - Cáceres - Cádiz - Cantabria - Castellón - Ciudad Real - Córdoba - Cuenca - Girona - Granada - Guadalajara - Guipúzcoa - Huelva - Huesca - Jaén - La Coruña - La Rioja - Las Palmas - León - Lérida - Lugo - Madrid - Málaga - Murcia - Navarra - Orense - Palencia - Pontevedra - Salamanca - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Segovia - Sevilla - Soria - Tarragona - Teruel - Toledo - Valencia - Valladolid - Vizcaya - Zamora - Zaragoza

Reviews and opinions of PLUS ULTRA Insurance

From of Grupo Seguros Generales, we are not responsible for the comments, ratings or opinions made by users about PLUS ULTRA Seguros, whether positive or negative. We understand that everyone is free to express their opinion as long as it is carried out with education, legality and without failing the truth and experience received.

To make a comment on PLUS ULTRA you must be logged in to Facebook and you will be solely responsible for your opinions and ratings.

Welcome to of General Insurance Group (Grupo Seguros Generales) one of the largest insurance comparison groups online on the internet. We have a large number of branches of insurance and insurance companies, with the aim of offering the best service and the best price. Since 2008 offering online insurance comparison systems.

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    Contact information

  •   Telephone information: 917 567 108


    Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
    Saturdays: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

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